Ganapati Making Workshop
आपल्या बाप्पाला घरी आणण्याची वेळ आली आहे 🏠 या वर्षी स्वतःचा बाप्पा घडवूया. ३१ ऑगस्टला तुमच्या स्वतःच्या गणपती बाप्पाला साचा बनवण्यासाठी आमच्यात सामील व्हा....

देवनागरी कार्यशाळा | Devanagari Workshop
Devnagri calligraphy workshop for beginners. Let’s learn about our beautiful Devanagari font in a 5 day workshop. Dates: 26th to 30th Aug 2024 In...

Brush Pen Workshop
Get an introduction of Brushpen Calligraphy Book your seat now 15th Aug 4 pm Online session In just Rs.149/- DM or call us on...

अक्षर रंगोत्सव २०२४
Hello everyone, Kindly note exhibition postponed on 10, 11 and 12th May 2024 We have arranged an exhibition at Balgandharva from 22nd March to...

माझी माती माझा गणपती बाप्पा
आपल्या बाप्पाला घरी आणण्याची वेळ आली आहे या वर्षी स्वतःचा बाप्पा घडवूया. 10 सप्टेंबरला तुमच्या स्वतःच्या गणपती बाप्पाला साचा बनवण्यासाठी आमच्यात सामील व्हा. फक्त...

INDEPENDENCE GOTHIC WORKSHOP K’Calligraphy has bought you an online workshop on the occasion of Independence Day. Learn the basics of Gothic calligraphy online on...

Celebrating Women’s Week
Offline: Celebrating Women’s Week Free Devnagri Calligraphy Workshop for women Join us on 12th March 2023. Venue: K Calligraphy Institute Near talera hospital, Chinchwad...

Introduction to Calligraphy
Non-profit organization Shashikala Foundation shares useful digital art workshops and resources for aspiring artists and is dedicated in taking it to the most needy...

COPPERPLATE CALLIGRAPHY WORKSHOP!!! Grab this beautiful opportunity to learn copperplate calligraphy from Mr. Sharad Kunjir on 19th Nov 2022 Saturday. Online mode Time: 6pm...

Calligraphy Demonstration
Calligraphy Demonstration by Mr. Sharad Kunjir today at 5 PM. Don’t miss this beautiful exhibition and Calligraphy demonstration