Calligrapher can start his own journey by freelancing. There are many business that needs calligraphers for their business to make logo, and to create cards or certificates. As these jobs can be done part-time, a calligrapher can easily do a freelancing job.
Designing is an important part of business branding and promotions. Calligraphy plays an important role in logo making. A logo or card is the first impression of any business and if it includes the creativity of a calligrapher it becomes more impressive. So calligraphers can be a part of the design firms.
Calligraphy is an art that reduces stress, improves handwriting, and increases concentration. So many people use it as therapy for adults as well as students. So a calligrapher can be a personal or school instructor. Even in corporates calligraphy instructors are invited to have relaxing sessions for employees.
Having knowledge of different tools and their stroke is a whole different study. Calligrapher has knowledge of all these things and is an art teacher in school or college.
Written by Kanchan Nikumbh
Tag:ArtTeacher, Freelancer, TattooArtist
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